The Washington Monument and U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.
History comes alive in the Nation's Capital.
Home to countless monuments, memorials, and historic landmarks, Washington, D.C. is one the country's most popular tourist destinations. Bus and walking tours with our licensed guides offer close up looks at these important parts of American history.
You'll gaze up at the Washington Monument, a 555 foot obelisk honoring the first president of the United States. Not far away, another U.S. president is honored at the Lincoln Memorial. Here you can read the timeless word's of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and stand on the spot where Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his unforgettable "I Have a Dream" speech.
You'll also see moving tributes to America's fighting men and women. One of the city's most poignant is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, a black granite wall inscribed with the names of each and every American soldier lost during that conflict. One of the newest memorials on the National Mall honors the sacrifices of The Greatest Generation during World War II.
Of course, we can't forget well known government edifices like the Supreme Court, U.S. Capitol, and White House, as well as the many remarkable museums of the Smithsonian Institution.
There's so much to see and do in Washington, D.C., and our professional guides are eager to make sure you don't miss a thing!